Research Center
ALICE In Focus Series
A Spotlight on Key ALICE Groups
Since 2009, United For ALICE has shed light on the everyday struggles of households that are ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed). The ALICE in Focus Research Series takes this data to a new level, spotlighting the struggles of people in specific ALICE populations, including children, people with disabilities, and military veterans.
The ALICE in Focus dashboards and research briefs allow you to break down the data on these groups by race/ethnicity, disability status, living arrangements, number of workers in the household, and much more. It's a new lens on specific populations in financial hardship — with a level of detail that can help drive meaningful change.
The series analyzes the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey Public Use Microdata Samples (PUMS) using the ALICE measures — the Household Survival Budget and the ALICE Threshold. For more details about the methodology for the ALICE in Focus Series, visit the Methodology page.