Research Center • National Reports

The National ALICE Reports offer a fresh perspective on financial need across the country, with more accurate measures of exactly how many households are unable to afford basics. By exploring the gaps between ALICE and higher-income households, the Reports illustrate how vulnerable ALICE families are to both economic fluctuations and daily stressors, from a global pandemic to an unexpected car breakdown. And new tools like the ALICE Essentials Index complement traditional economic measures to take a closer, more realistic look at how monthly expenses for ALICE households change over time.


ALICE in the Nonprofit Workforce

 Images of four people representing nonprofit workers, along with logos for United For ALICE and Independent Sector. Text reads “ALICE in the Nonprofit Workforce: A Study of Financial Hardship; September 2024; ALICE: Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed; United for and”

ALICE in the Crosscurrents

ALICE In The Crosscurrents - Covid and Financial Hardship in the United States 2023 Report

ALICE Essentials Index

The Pandemic Divide

On Uneven Ground

ALICE in Focus

ALICE in Focus

ALICE in Focus