United For ALICE Takes on the White House
Team leaders participate in roundtable on nonprofit workforce
This spring, the United For ALICE leadership team had a golden opportunity to raise ALICE’s voice in the nation’s capital.
The Roundtable on Nonprofit Workforce and Data convened on March 21, 2024. Leaders from across the country sat at the table with White House officials to advocate for the overburdened and under resourced nonprofit sector, emphasizing how the strategic use of data can pave the way for effective solutions. Representing United For ALICE was President Kiran Handa Gaudioso; National Director Stephanie Hoopes, Ph.D.; and Theresa Leamy, Chief Equity and Innovation Officer for United Way of Northern New Jersey.
Gaudioso spoke passionately on behalf of workers who are ALICE, earning above the poverty level but less than the cost of basics. “ALICE is the mainstay, the bedrock of our economy – our day care centers, our nursing homes, our health care institutions,” she said. “If you think about your day and what you go through from start until the end, we all interact with ALICE workers, every day.”
Joining them at the table were visionaries from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, United Way Worldwide, and Independent Sector, among many others.
The United For ALICE team had been invited to the roundtable by Independent Sector, a national membership organization that works with nonprofits, foundations, and corporations to build a more just and inclusive society. Independent Sector is teaming up with United For ALICE on a report on ALICE workers in the nonprofit sector.
“Meaningful change for ALICE takes all hands on deck, at all levels of policy-making,” Hoopes said. “We’re so thrilled to connect with nonprofits, in our nation’s capital, to discuss how we might work together to help ALICE rise.”